I recently booted up my Windows 10 laptop after a long time. I connected my Edifier Bluetooth speakers to my laptop and noticed a strange issue with the volume.

Windows volume control was not working with the Bluetooth speakers. The mute and unmute option was working but not the volume control.

I tried changing the volume with the volume mixer as well but it didn’t work as well. Running troubleshooter, playing with settings, updating sound and bluetooth driver was useless.

After searching a bit more it seemed like a problem happening to many users with different laptops and different Bluetooth speakers. The problem came after a windows update and Microsoft hasn’t pushed any patch yet.

Here I am sharing the fix that is working.

Fix Windows Bluetooth Volume

  1. Press Win+R
  2. Write regedit and hit Enter
  3. Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Bluetooth\Audio\AVRCP\CT
  4. Look for entry DisableAbsoluteVolume
  5. Change the value to 1, if the entry is not there, right click and click New->DWORD and create a new entry with DisableAbsoluteVolume and set the value to 1

Restart you system and your volume control should start working in sync with your Bluetooth speakers.

Discussion and reporting of this issue: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/ie/en-US/71e51613-721d-45aa-9b94-34fbce8472bc/bluetooth-volume-problem-after-windows-10-april-2018-update



I am a full stack software engineer and a blogger. Primarily, I work on Python, Java and React.js. I am an autodidact with a strong passion for new technologies. I love to build new things from the ground up. I have about 7 years of dynamic experience gained by working in early stage startups to mid-sized organizations in an Agile environment.

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