For every developer Github profile is the place to showcase the work and contributions he/she has done. But there is not much customization available on the profile pages to personalize the page in your own style.

This is how you can add some level of personalization to your profile.
Find your Github Profile “secret”
This is not really a secret. But you may not know that you can create a special repository with the name as same as your username
and can add a to it to show on your Github profile.
Go to Repositories tab and click on New. Now enter your username in the repository name and you will see something like this:

Select the checkbox that says “Initialize this repository with a README“. And make sure the repository is public.
Once you hit create repository, you will see your readme file loaded. You can fill this file with markdown.
Github Stats Card
This great project that lets you show a themed card with your development stats: Github Readme Stats
This again works with your markdown content. All you have to do is copy the markdown below and update your username in it to see your stats.

You can visit the project page to see how you can change themes and settings.
More widgets
Github stats card project provides you two more widgets.
Github Repository has a limitation of showing only 6 repositories on the profile page. With this widget you can add many on your profile as you want.
Top Languages
This widgets beautifully showcases which programming languages you have worked on mostly.
Don’t forget to update your username
and repository name
in the markdowns provided above.
Make sure to checkout the Readme Stats project page, I have shared the link above. You can learn how to customize these widgets with themes on the project page.
Checkout my profile at and do let me know what you think about styling your profile.
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